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Published on Nov 19, 2021
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Prasanta R

Surprising Facts on Child Cell Phone Usage Statistics

Not long ago, there was a time when parents' concerns were about whether they wanted to buy a phone for their kids. Given the increasing usage of cell phones among kids, parents' concerns have taken a rise. It's been problematic for parents to determine the appropriate age for children to own a cell phone.

There is a rapid increase in phones due to the development of accessible and portable devices.

Nowadays, cellphones come with more advanced yet easy-to-use interfaces making users easy to understand how to use them. The children's curious minds always wonder about the use of cell phones. And, the combination of it makes a more significant contribution to the increased use of cellphones.

Children have a better understanding and grasping power than any parents do. They owned a phone from a very young age and needed cell phones and the internet for study purposes. In addition, children of this generation depend upon cellphone for their entertainment.

Almost 1 in 5 eight years old own their smartphones, according to the study of Common Sense Media. The rate of children having their smartphones is taking new heights, and this rate increases rapidly by the time children reach the age of 13-14 years. Also, the number of cell phone users is different according to gender.

There is surprising facts revelation on statistics on the child using cell phones. But, let's talk about the general statistics about the usage of cellphones first.


General Statistics On Cell Phone Usage

Recent Statista statistics showed that more than half ( 66.53% ) of the population's of the world owned a device. It predicts that the numbers will reach 4.68 billion in future years on a global level. On average, 2,617 times a day, people tap, swipe, and like posts.

The cell phone addiction study shows people, on average, checks phone about six to seven times an hour. This means people unlock their phones about once every 10 minutes; this came out as a shocking revelation. People spend around 51% of their time browsing social media and exchanging messages. 71% of the cell phone users usually sleep using their phone and have their phone on immediate reach. 45% of parents give cell phones to kids before they need them.

Everyone is aware of the problems such as eye problems, bad posture, anxiety, and mental health problem among teens caused due to the use of cell phones. The statistics also show that only in America the phone usage has caused 26% of accidents. The usage of digital devices may lead to dangerous behaviors.

Surprising Facts on Child Cell Phone Usage Statistics

There is a continuous discussion on the use of children's mobile phones in social media. People wonder how much time children spend on their phones and what they do on their phones. A recent study focusing on child cell phone usage statistics is shockingly high.

Cellphone Usage Studies Among Children

Age is the factor that many parents consider while buying their children a phone. With age, parents also consider their kids' sense of responsibility, maturity, and necessity. Finally, they analyze when their child is capable of having a phone of his own.

A study conducted by SellCell discovered that 40% of US parents let their children own cell phones when they are below six years old. However, by the time their children cross the age of 10 or 12, they have a phone in their hand. Below are the survey study results on kids' age when parents first buy or give them their cell phone.

Reasons for Providing Cell Phone to Children

A household condition is a significant factor that impacts the decision to buy a phone for their kids. Some families allow their children to use a cell phone when they independently fulfill their duties and responsibility. Parents want to stay in touch with their children when they are away. The use of cell phones varies according to family concerns and situations.

Statistics show the need for keeping update about children's whereabouts is a driving force behind the growing use of phones and providing cell phones to children. Parents always want to ensure their kid's safety when they are not in front of their sight. In addition, due to the number of increasing crimes, parents want to keep a regular update on their kids via phones.

Despite the number of reported negative consequences, the parents focus on positive aspects. According to Sellcell, around 98% of teens have access to their smartphones. In addition, 40% of parents admit that they give themselves a break from one-on-one parenting by .giving their kid's a cellphone. Out of 10, 4 parents think providing their kid's a cellphone benefit both the parents and the child. Parents get the time off when they are busy on the phone, and kids have a source of entertainment at the same time.

Time Children Spend on Their Phone and How They Spend Their Time on Their Phone

The surprising fact is that children spend their two days' worth on digital devices. The study revealed that 40% of children spend at least 30 hours a week using mobile devices. Thereby we can say that children spend too much valuable time on their cell phones.

On cell phones, teens and tweens use social media the most. If you do not stop your kids from using the device, they can use it all day and night. The use of parental monitoring apps has increased due to the high usage of mobile phones by kids.

88% of parents know the passcode to their kid's devices. This type of access helps parents to know what their kids are doing during their screen time.


From the figure, it is clear that the increased use of cellphones is to access different content. You have to find a way to resolve mobile phone addiction among teens even though the addiction is not permanent. 57% of children use their mobile for excessive gaming. And, 50% of children use their phones to watch TV and film daily.


Almost every chore is possible through the use of a mobile phone. So, the reason for the attraction to the mobile phone is pretty apparent, for both the parents and teenagers.

The use of children's cell phone numbers seems strong. This is because of the desire to be in touch in a digital-centered world and for entertainment. The majority of kids prefer communication with friends through online social networks. Parents are powerless to prevent them from using mobile phones in this tech era. But to keep an eye on them without them knowing, they can set parental control apps on their cellphone.

Summing up, parents' concerns are about their kid's screen time, but they equally see the usage of cell phones as positive for their development. This is the factor that impacts the overall cellphone usage statistics. Parents nowadays set a screen time limit for their children and check their device screen time regularly. However, trying to limit the screen time of children has also been the reason for family conflict. Also, many children try to hack screentime on their devices.

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