Published on Nov 11, 2021
Prasanta R
What Does PMOYS Mean? Teen Texting Codes Every Parent Should Know
Texting is the most preferred way of communication among teenagers. Even when they get the call, they prefer to ignore their calls and text instead. While texting, teenagers mostly use short words like code words or slang words, making them difficult to understand.
Texting code keeps changing, even if you feel like you understand the code, but you might not understand it in reality. Teenagers prefer to use texting codes instead of actual words because they find code words easy to use, fun, and sound cool. Teenagers also use teen texting codes to fit into their peer groups.

Have you ever faced difficulty understanding your teenager's text because they used codes in their text? You are not only the one who has trouble understanding teenagers' messages; many parents of teenagers are having the same problem.
Teen texting codes can be general codes, sensitive codes, secret codes, sexting codes, etc. Snapchat texting code can be different from Facebook texting code. So, even if you feel like you know codes, in reality, you might not know them. Here in this article, I will tell you some popular texting codes that teenagers use the most.
Teen texting codes on Social Media
Teenagers mostly communicate through chat apps or social media apps like Messenger, Snapchat, Instagram, Whatsapp, Viber, WeChat, etc. You can find at least one social media app on your teenager's phone.
The number of teenagers on social media is more than people of another age group. While communicating on social media, teenagers mostly use texting code to make their text look cool. Here are a few slangs that teenagers use on different social media:
Slangs on Snapchat

Snapchat is a popular app among teenagers to keep in touch with their peers and make new friends. If you go through your teen snap, you might not understand the text written on the snap if it is written in the codeword. Here are a few Snapchat sexting codes every parent must know to keep children safe on Snapchat:
- PMOYS: PMOYS means “Put Me On Your Snapchat”. Teenagers have popularly used this code to prove their friendship or relations.
- AMOS: AMOS is the short form for “Add Me On Snapchat”. When you want your kids to add you to their Snapchat, you can send them text writing AMOS; they will understand it.
- SCB: SCB stands for “Snapchat Back”. SCB is used when you need to have an urgent conversation with someone on Snapchat. You can also use this code if you want people to join your conversation.
- OOTD: OOTD is one of the most used and known codes on Snapchat. OOTD is an abbreviation for “Outfit Of The Day”, and influencers and teen girls mostly use this code.
- Snapchat Fam: Followers on Snapchat are termed Snapchat Fam. In other words, Snapchat Fam is mentioned for people who are fans of your Snapchat.
- SMO: SMO has two meanings: "Serious Mode On" and "Shout Me Out." When you are about to talk about something important, you might write SMO. And if you are trying to gain followers, you may ask for SMO.
- SFS/S4S: SFS or S4S are both short forms for Snap. Or something, it also means “shoutout for shoutout”. The meaning of this word differs based on the context it is used for.
- PU: PU refers to “Pop Up” which means to open Snapchat and send text messages.
Slangs on Instagram

After Snapchat, teenagers use Instagram the most. Teens do not just use Instagram to post pictures and stories; they also use this app to stay connected with friends and family. Instagram is also not free from texting codes; here are some popular codes that you can find on Instagram:
- DM: DM stands for “Direct Message”. If you see posts or comments like please DM to get further information, then it means, please message me to get more information.
- AMA: AMA is an abbreviation for “Ask My Anything”. You can see AMA in Instastories, where you can ask any questions to users.
- DAE: DAE is a short form for “Does Anyone Else”. Insta users use this code to ask questions.
- FBF: You may have seen many Insta posts mentioning FBF, which means “FlashBack Friday”. When people post old pictures on Friday, they usually caption them as FBF.
- TBT: TBT refers to “Throw Back Thursday”. This code is generally found on Insta posts and also sometimes on Facebook.
- Goals: When something is a perfect example, then it is said as Goals. Goals are used with terms like couple goals, sisters goals, outfit goals, siblings goals, etc.
- MCM: MCM refers to “Man Crush Monday”. Usually, teenage girls post their celebrity male crush picture on Monday and caption it as MCM.
- POTD: POTD is an abbreviation for “Picture Of The Day”, and POTD is used as a caption for Instagram posts.
Slangs on Facebook/ Messengers

Last but the most popular app among people of all age groups is Facebook and Messengers. This is the app that almost everyone is into, and in fact, this app has the highest number of users. So having so many users on Facebook and Messenger means it is not free from texting code. Here are some popular texting codes found on Facebook/Messengers:
- LOL: LOL is a short form for “Laugh Out Loud” or “Laughing Out Loud”.
- MSG: MSG means to “message”. If someone writes MSG means, then it means to message the person.
- ASAP: ASAP is an abbreviation for “As Soon As Possible”. For instance, "text me ASAP."
- FB: FB is a short form for “Facebook”.
- IKR: IKR refers to “I know, Right”. When you know something, you can use IKR.
- RIP: RIP refers to “Rest In Peace”. Whenever someone dies, people usually write RIP on their pictures.
- MIRL: MIRL is an abbreviation for “Meet In Real Life”. It is usually used for online friends with whom you have not met.
- TROLL: TROLL means offensive or to make fun of something. There are many TROLL pages and groups on Facebook and Messenger.
General Teen Texting Codes Every Parent Should Know
Here are some general Texting Codes every parent should know:
- TYSM: TYSM refers to “Thank You So Much”.
- BAE: BAE means “Before Anyone Else”. This word is used to show affection towards someone.
- SMH: SMH is an abbreviation for “Shaking My Head”. For example, "That's not true, SMH."
- TBH: TBH is the short form for, “To Be Honest.” For example, "TBH, I have never swum before."
- V: V refers to very. For Instance, "That's good news."
- FOMO: FOMO means “fear of missing out”.
- GOAT: GOAT refers to the “greatest of all time”. Teens usually say GOAT to great players or actors.
- OFC: OFC is the short form of “Of course”.
- Same: Same means relatable.
- Snack: Attractive things are referred to as Snacks. For Instance, "You look like Snack."
- Squad: Squad refers to a close group of friends, and teens refer to their friend's group as a squad.
- Tea: Gossips are referred to as Tea. Teenagers might say there's tea to spill.
- Chilling: Chilling is a code word for relaxing. For example, They are chilling in their room.
- ILYSM: ILYSM is the short form for “I Love You So Much”.
- Low Key: Low Key means being slightly interested in something or someone. For example, they are low-key and interested in the new book.
Teen Texting Codes That You Need To Be Aware
- 420: 420 is a reference for Marijuana. If you find 420 on your kid's text, you better keep an eye on them.
- AF: AF is a short form of “As F**k”. For example, That's cool AF.
- Netflix and Chill: Netflix and Chill mean inviting people over and hooking up. This is one of the words that you need to keep an eye at, as sometimes it involves sexual activities.
- OMFG: OMFG refers to “Oh My F**king God”. Sometimes this word is often referred to as a cursed word.
- Smash: Having casual sex is referred to as Smash. For example, He is talking with her to smash her.
- TF: TF means “The F**k”. For example, "who TF he thinks he is."
- TDTM: TDTM refers to “Talk Dirty To Me”. If you see this code, you must keep an eye on your kid's activity.
- GNOC: GNOC is an abbreviation for “Get Naked on Camera”. This is also one of the words that you must get worried about if you find it in your kid's text.
- WTF: WTF refers to “What The F**k”.
- POS: POS is an abbreviation for “Parents Over Shoulder”. Teens usually send this to their peers when parents are watching their phones or text.
- 99: 99 is code for when parents are gone.
In a nutshell, there are over thousands of code words that teens use, and still, new ones are coming every day. You can't know all the code words; however, it is always best for you to know some popular code words so that you will get an idea about what your kid's trying to say. If they are in a bad company, you can know about it by going through their text messages.