Published on Jan 11, 2023
Prasanta R
How to talk to your children about your role as a single parent
A single parent has a difficult time carrying a child's burdens. You may feel like you are alone in this responsibility, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. There are many other single parents out there who are facing the same challenges as you.
According to Statista, 15.78 million American children lived with a single mother in 2022, and 3.44 million lived with a single father. One of the highest percentages of single-parent households is found in America. And the common issue that all parents find is difficulty communicating with their children about their roles.
However, it is important for them to understand your situation and know that you are still there for them, even if you are not in a traditional family setting. Here are some tips on how to talk to your children about your role as a single parent.
How to talk to your children about your role as a single parent?
For most people, single parenting was not a goal when deciding to have kids. Almost everyone plans to raise their kid with their partner and have the help of a co-parent.
But unfortunately, life doesn’t always go as we planned. Whether you are single parenting through divorce, separation, or death, it's a bit scary to raise a child alone.
But if you communicate with your children about your role and make them understand what they mean to you and your family situation, it can become much easier for raising children.
Below are some tips you can apply to talk to your kid about your roles as a solo parent.
Start the conversation early.
Imagine how hurtful it will be for a child raised by a single parent when his/her school friends discuss or ask about his/her parents not being together. These types of questions can cause mental illness in your child.
We know it can be an awkward situation to start a conversation with your children about your role. But your children may get hurt because of your secrecy when they find it out later.
So, peel off all your secrecy and tell the truth to your children as early as possible. This will help them understand your situation and how they can help out.
Take them out for an ice cream party, start a topic as a joke, or play a board game with them and then start talking. Start the conversation softly and explain what a single parent is and why you are one.
Even though you are a single parent, make them feel you still care about them and want the best for them.
Then, discuss your expectations for their behavior and what you expect from them regarding help around the house.
You can set limits on screen times and set some ground rules early once you talk with them. You should teach your child to respect everyone.
Be honest with them about your condition. Explain to your children how your role as a single parent will affect your relationship with them.
Keep it age-appropriate
Some children can be more spoiled being raised by a single parent, whereas others may carry a heavy burden of responsibility superior to their age. They are growing in completely different environments than other children of their age.
Not everyone is meant for everything. Your 7-year-old children can’t handle the things that an adult child can. So, as a solo parent, it's important to keep the conversation age-appropriate with your children.
Be honest with them but don’t overshare things or give them information your child can’t handle. Further, you can expect your kid to respect you for being a single parent. But it’s not always appropriate to expect your child to understand the reason behind you being a single parent.
Different children will be ready for different levels of detail and understanding. Make sure to tailor your explanations to your child's age and maturity level. Consider your kid’s age and explain the truth in terms that make sense to them.
Emphasize love and stability

Normalize that it's okay to have a single parent to your child. Make them understand that even though your family looks different from others, it is a stable family.
Shower them with the love and care they deserve. When your children get proper love and affection, their self-esteem gets boosted, and they become emotionally healthy.
Give them the emotional support your kid needs. Make them feel that you are emotionally available to your children whenever they need you.
For your child’s mental health and well-being, it’s necessary for you to be with them during every difficulty.
So that they will always come to you whenever they feel low. Praise, hugs, and kisses are gestures that show you care for them. It helps you to have positive relationships between you and your child.
Be open to questions and concerns.
We can understand that whether you are a single father having a period talk or a solo mother witnessing wet dream spots on your son’s bed sheet, having a conversation about them can be awkward.
But remember you are their parent and must tackle this situation wisely. Never shut down your children’s queries, whether weird or extraordinary. Take the awkwardness out of the room by starting the conversation as a joke or a game.
Have clear and open expression of thoughts and develop honest and trustworthy relationships. Spend time with your child, go on a picnic with family and friends, and solve your child’s life problems.
To maintain transparency between you and your kid, you should foster open communication. Encourage your children to ask questions and express their concerns. The question can be related to your parenting style, sexuality, relationships, and second marriage (if you have one).
Having conversations on the topic of divorce, widowhood, and re-marriage can be difficult. Single parents often dread sharing the reason for being single with their children.
But be honest and tell everything to them. It will help you advise your kid, and he will understand that you are a single parent and accept your role.
Seek support
One of the greatest problems of single parenthood is finding a work-life balance. If your children are not listening to you, or you don’t feel comfortable starting the conversation, don’t stress.
There are a number of people you can ask for help. You can contact a support group, other single parents, grannies, or a therapist to help navigate these conversations with your kids.
Moreover, some popular parenting websites provide tips for single parents, which you can use for a better parenting plan.
You can also seek support from another parent who is single moms or single dads to share their experiences and challenges. In addition, if the child wants to visit their noncustodial parent, take them there.
Further, to get social services for your child, talking to support groups who look after single families can be helpful. Importantly, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Managing your own emotions will help your child grow and develop well.
Being a single parent is not all boom and doom. As a single parent, one has the responsibility of both mother and father.
Single fathers have to give all the affection and love that a mother gives, and single moms fulfill all the desires a father has the responsibility to fulfill. Single parents must be strong enough to handle everything from doing all the household work to being financially stable.
But on the positive side, your child will never forget the sacrifice you made to raise them. They will always love you more, and you can have a strong bond with your children.
Single-parent families can raise their children the way they want in a single-parent home. Try different parenting styles if you want your child care to be the best. In fact, you can be role models for your children who are independent and successful.
Be open to all queries, ask for support from others, initiate the conversation early, and give them love and stability. This will help you to make your children understand your role.
If you are a single parent, comment and help other parents understand how to talk to children about your role as a single parent.