Wi-Fi Change Alert

Wi-Fi Change Alert

With fenced.ai, you can easily know if the target device changes the Wi-Fi network. Install Fenced.ai on the target device and get an instant notification every time your kids or employees change their Wi-Fi.

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Wi-Fi Change Alert feature of fenced.ai

The Wi-Fi change alert feature of fenced.ai helps you access the changes made in the Wi-Fi network on the target device. Not only will you get an alert about the Wi-Fi change, but you will also get access to the name of the new Wi-Fi network along with the location.

This feature helps you monitor your kids' and employees' locations. You can easily know where they are along with the date and time with the change in Wi-Fi.

Benefits of using Wi-Fi Change Alert

Although the Wi-Fi change alert feature doesn't give you much information about the target device, it sure does give you the location and time every time new Wi-Fi is connected. Its benefits include:

  • Get instant notification each time the target device changes Wi-Fi network
  • Access name of each Wi-Fi connection
  • Access location from where the target connects Wi-Fi
  • Monitor date and timestamp of each Wi-Fi connection

Why get an instant alert of someone's Wi-Fi connection?

When you get instant Wi-Fi change alerts on your kids' devices, you can know if they are at the time they are supposed to be. You can know every location they visit and connect their Wi-Fi to along with the date and time.

The same goes for employees. You can get alerts of the employees' Wi-Fi change and know their location by date and time. So you can find out if they are at the workplace or somewhere else at a particular moment.

Can you get an instant Wi-Fi change notification?

Yes, with the fenced.ai Wi-Fi change alert feature, you can easily get an instant notification if the target device changes the Wi-Fi network connection. Take a look at the following FAQs to learn more.

Works in stealth mode?

Fenced.ai works in a complete stealth mode. It takes very little memory and negligible battery. So the person won't even know that the app is running in the background.

Monitor and keep your kids from all mischief effortlessly

Monitor and keep your kids safe from all mischief effortlessly

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