Published on Nov 21, 2021
Prasanta R
Best Tools to Help Kids Stay Focused During Distance Learning
Modern technologies have provided a new way of learning. One of the best examples of technology advancement is Distance Learning, and it's a platform where kids and adults can get an education through the internet.
It's the process of learning via the internet where students don't need to be physically present in school, high school, or college. Instead, they can get knowledge and education from anywhere by getting connected to the internet.
Distance Learning is also known as Remote Learning, and it has broken the barrier of a traditional way of teaching and learning.
It is always used as correlated with "E-learning," "Online learning," "Virtual learning,". It's a form of learning. In this type of learning, there is no need for physical interaction between students and teachers. While in E-learning or Online learning, there will be communication between students and teachers.
Types of Distance Learning
Asynchronous Learning
There is no need for interaction between teachers and students. It's a learning process where students have to learn independently rather than in real-time. It helps to have a greater degree of consistency, as students don't have to engage precisely at the same time, although this can minimize communication within the learning group.
Synchronous Learning
This type of learning occurs where the learning group of students connects directly with teachers online. It refers to the process of transmission of education that takes place in real time. Allowing students to engage at the same time can help to have a standard format and enhance communication within the learning group.
Examples of synchronous learning events are group chats, webinars, and other types of video conferencing.
Video Conferencing
It's a common way for teachers to communicate directly with students in live classes. It may be a single lesson or a class-like situation where many students interact with the teacher in real-time video.
Online classes provide another level of efficiency. It is a form of asynchronous course configuration, except that there are no deadlines either. Instead, the teacher allows them the opportunity to work on their own time. Students who enjoy learning individually succeed in this style. However, it needs considerable self-discipline and inspiration.
Hybrid Learning
Hybrid learning blends synchronous and asynchronous approaches. Students will receive deadlines for the completion of tasks and tests. Then they will submit those assignments online.
These types are synchronous courses. Students need to log into the learning site at the specified time, date provided by the teacher. Fixed-time online classes are structured to facilitate student engagement. Yet, there's no space left for self-pacing.
Advantages of Distance Learning
- Develop a sense of Independence
- Enhance their problem-solving and decision-making skills
- Easy to access
- Great exposure
- Save money and times
- Flexibility
Difference between Distance learning and Regular learning
Due to the pandemic, our education process has changed over these years. From traditional learning to online or virtual learning, we have come a long way in development.
Back in school days, i.e Regular Learning, kids had to be physically present for education. Traditional learning happens offline. Little kids need to present on a particular schedule and place. In regular learning, the primary source of information is a teacher.
In Remote learning, Kids can get education wherever they are at any time. Kids will develop an independent learning style. Kids don't have to physically present; It can be online. Kids will not be able to interact with teachers directly. Online learning saves time, cost, and energy.
Best Distance Learning Tools for Kids
We can find many learning apps, tutorials, videos, and many other tools for virtual learning. This makes our education more effective and efficient. In addition, it helps kids to be more independent and creative.
So, we found some of the best online distance learning tools for kids. Here's what we found:
Khan Academy Kids
Khan Academy is one of the best virtual learning platforms. However, this application will be challenging to use for underaged kids, so Khan Academy has introduced its sub-version of khan Academy Kids.
It is a kid-friendly app where kids can learn a wide range of subjects. It's a free and award-winning app for kids. You can download it from both iOS or Android. Kids can also play creative gaming.
It’s the best education platform for coding. Between 5-17, the age group can learn programming and can enhance their creativity skills. It’s a paid and 40+ award-winning app.
For ages 5-7, they can learn coding skills through voice instruction. For ages 8-13, they can learn through drag and drop features. For ages 14-17, they can learn the real coding of computer languages. .
MathTango app is only focused on the math subject and for remote learning. It helps kids to improve their mathematical skills. Between 5-10 age groups kids can gain knowledge from MathTango.
Kids will learn math faster because of its unique virtual classroom, and It also attracts most of the kid's attention because they can play games to solve a mathematical equation. This app is an age-appropriate learning zone.
These are some of the apps or websites you can use for your kids to develop their learning skills. You can even check out the Top 10 Best Free Educational Websites For Kids.
Tools to Help Kids Stay Focused During the Distance learning
Kids need to be observed often, either virtually or physically. Unfortunately, child focus is being distracted by the digital mobile. So you can help your kids using the following tools.
These are the tools to help kids stay focused during distance learning.
Rescue Time
Rescue Time is an app to track or monitor screen time activities. It's available on all Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows. This app will provide detailed information about the time on digital devices. Rescue Time gives you the insight and tools your kid needs to stay focused during remote learning.
It's like a personal trainer of kids' time and attention. It provides a detailed report of how your kids spend time on apps and also on specific projects. In addition, parents can block any distraction apps like social media apps or other apps while learning.
Freedom is an app to block websites and mobile devices. The primary distraction source is a cell one. Most of the kids use mobile devices while their parents aren't around. This app will help to block those apps and sites your kids use most.
If your kids use mobile devices excessively, you can block those apps on digital devices and stop getting distracted. With one click, you can restrict the internet on the target device.
Work Mode
Work Mode is a google chrome extension where parents can block all social media apps and custom URLs. Kids often use mobile devices while they take a break. So, reducing the distraction work mode will be a viable solution for it.
To activate work mode, you need to add your extension on google, then add which social sites and URLs you want to block while your kids are virtually learning and enable the function. After that, the system will automatically block those sites.
Dayboard is another google chrome extension. Most of the kids find it difficult to manage or achieve their assignment deadlines. Dayboard helps to note down the prioritized work and helps to finish the given work earlier.
The plugin extension will provide your kids with a pop-up notification to remind them about the task or assignment and also block the distraction from sites and ads.
iGotThis Family
iGotThis Family is an app specially designed for kids with ADHD. It enables users to create and delegate a specific task where kids can earn rewards after completing the assignment. Students with ADHD find it difficult to complete assignments or tasks and lack motivation.
Once the app is installed, it will remind your kids about certain tasks and to-do list activities along with monitoring every task of your kids.
How do you Keep a Child-Focused on Distance Learning?
To keep kids motivated for online learning might be a hard and confusing task for parents. It is even tough for kids to adjust to something as new as distance learning. Here are a few ways to keep a child focused on distance learning.
A Separate Place to Learn
Parents need to create a peaceful environment where their kids wouldn’t be distracted. Make a separate place with the necessary equipment that can be used for distance learning. Make sure to create a space where parents can monitor their kids.
Set Rules and Regulations
Kids do their best when they are instructed to follow specific rules and regulations. Parents can make a visual schedule. When your child's school doesn't have a timetable, think of what a normal school day is like, and do your best to replicate it. If you need guidance in setting up a timetable, ask the school or teacher for suggestions.
Give them Break
Sometimes too much learning is also hectic. It also distracts from learning. Teachers don't want your child to feel upset or dissatisfied with learning. In reality, teachers spend time attempting to make lessons engaging and customize teaching to offer students the correct amount of difficulty.
If they find anything is too complicated or your kid is starting to be frustrated, it's all right to pause the class or activities and give them a break.
Decrease the Distraction
Attempt to find a peaceful place to work with your kid so they won't be distracted. Close all unused computer programs and windows or tabs on the Internet browser and use an ad blocker to block inappropriate content.
Make sure to turn off sounds that could distract your kids, switch off the TV, music, and phone ringtone. Let your kids use noise-free headphones or headsets and concentrate on their classes.
Manage Kid's School-Issued Computer
Classes are started online these days, so the school has provided computers to the students for better distance learning. However, these classes can be attended only through the use of the internet and devices, so children may get distracted. So, parents should know the tricks to manage your kids' school-issued computer.
Therefore, it is a more effective way of learning in these pandemic days. It has also replaced your and your kid's regular learning. So kids virtual classes started and it gives your kids excuses to use cell phones but you must manage screen time when school is online.
Nowadays, mobile devices are the main medium of distraction. Everyone uses mobile devices to connect with friends and families, for their research and education purposes. It can make a kid's mind dull, lazy and cause mental health issues.
Especially, teens are more addicted to mobile. So, getting rid of mobile addiction in teenagers is critical to keep them focused at study. Many tools we can find to help kids to stay focused.
Parents should also make sure to provide them with a peaceful and motivating environment. They should track their screen time and make sure their child is focused during remote learning.